Massimo “Tine” Tinetti
“From The Heart”
Lyrics by:
Massimo Tinetti
Music by:
Massimo Tinetti
Copyright Registration Number:
SRu 923-660
Musicisti, Registrazione, Crediti
From the heart; hear the whispers,
hear the rage, hear what’s inside your cage.
Nobody can see and nobody can understand
what’s inside your love
and what is growing from the start.
From the heart; hear the voices,
hear the songs, hear the most beautiful
Nobody can complain and nobody can rely
what’s inside your soul
and what is growing from the past.
Follow the path, catch your soul,
remember who you are
and let the sun shine in an orange glow.
Follow the stream, recognize the dream,
remember those old golden days,
and let the sun shine over your love.
From the heart, what’s the core that
I didn’t recognize, since when the
broken stuffs and the money stolen,
are passed away from my memories,
like thieves running in the night?
From the heart, where are the jealous lovers
and the ancient sinners?
Hear the jingle and get away from the jungle
‘cause the back-beat of your thoughts
is flying away from your mind.
Follow the path, hear the scream,
remember who you are
and let the moon deepen your dreams.
Follow the stream, beware of your thoughts
don’t forsake yourself even if
you’re under the cast of a spell.
Penso che questa sia una canzone di
Le parole mi sono arrivate all'improvviso, in
un momento di rilassamento e raccoglimento.
Il senso complessivo può sembrare oscuro, ma
scendendo in profondità non è poi così
difficile comprendere che le parole di questa
canzone invitano ognuno di noi a ritrovare la
propria autenticità dell'essere e del vivere
attraverso un ascolto profondo di se stessi.
Armonica / Harp
Arrangiamento Archi / Strings
Basso / Bass
Chitarre Elettriche / Electric Guitars
Effetti Vocali / Vocal Effects
Hammond / Hammond Organ
Percussioni / Percussions
Computer Programming
Voce / Vocals
Masterizzato e Mixato da Gianni Vallino
il 30/06/2010 presso Studio di
Registrazione KARIBU
Mastered and Mixed by Gianni Vallino on
2010/06/30 at KARIBU Recording Studio
© 2010 Copyright Massimo Tinetti
The Copyright of this lyric and of the related soundrecording is
owned by Massimo Tinetti.
All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorised copying, lending, reproduction, hiring, public
performance and broadcasting prohibited.